在mg游戏官方网站, we have 125 years of experience in hydropower and are the largest producer of electricity from hydropower in Europe. The majority of our power production is hydropower.
水力发电的优点很多. 它是可再生的, 清洁, 可靠的, flexible and can serve many generations with low-cost electricity from local resources. 水电 produces no air pollutants and shows the lowest Green House Gases (GHG) emission of all power generation technologies.
In 挪威, 90 per cent of all power generation comes from hydropower. Worldwide, hydropower accounts for approximately one sixth of the total electricity supply.
53.9 TWh水力发电总量
15 541 MW水电装机容量
The Nordic portfolio is a unique and important source of flexible and stable power. Given its age, we will continue with reinvestments to keep the portfolio competitive and profitable.
We are also focusing on optimising and protecting the value of our hydropower assets outside the Nordics and will pursue growth through selected acquisitions and swaps that fit well with the rest of the portfolio.
The principle behind the production of hydropower is to use the energy of flowing water. Many hydropower plants benefit from several storage schemes. In some river systems we have several power stations positioned in cascade one after the other, so that the water’s energy can be exploited several times before it finally flows out into the sea. 电站内部, the water drives a turbine producing mechanical energy which is turned into electrical energy in a generator. 水电 schemes without reservoirs are often called run-of-river.
Find out more about our hydropower assets
Statkraft has hydropower assets in 挪威, 瑞典, 德国, UK, 阿尔巴尼亚, 火鸡, 巴西, 秘鲁, 智利, 尼泊尔和印度. Find out more about our global hydropower activities by exploring the map below.